viernes, 3 de octubre de 2014

4 advertising online sources you’d to know

Knowing which are the best advertising sources online is very important. By knowing which are the agencies behind those great spots or campaigns could be enough, but today I have brought you an interesting list of sources which I have named…

4 advertising online sources you’d to know

This is one of the best websites I know. If you need inspiration or to know which is the creative team behind a campaign (agency name, creative director, illustrator, art director, copywriter) this is a place where you can see all this divided by countries, brands, media and year.

The One Club is a website where people can upload their portfolios and search for events and jobs (obviously related with the advertising). There is also a ranking between the best ad agencies. Inside the website there is The One Show, appearing the best award-winning ads.

You will find lastest advertising news,  some interviews, creative content and marketing related stuff. The format is more formal than the said websites, but the content is of really good quality.

AdWeek shows you the today’s more spoken topics in the advertising world but in different mediums: the press, television and online. One section I like a lot is the AdFreak, which is composed of the weirdest ads in USA. They are strange, OK, but they are very creative and have had success reaching their objectives.

I hope you will enjoy the campaigns and ads shown in these websites.

Iñigo Taibo
Advertising and PR

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