viernes, 19 de septiembre de 2014

I Believe in Advertising

They make us laugh, make us think, makes us buy. Ads. I think that, in the advertising world, words, images and videos can entertain and influence somebody to do something at the same time. That is awesome.

Old ads were like "Buy this product!", but now everything has changed. Nowadays is more subtle. Companies have discovered that they don't have only to sell a product, also an idea, a concept. A company must have a contagiable and appetizing "way of life" or "philosophy". Let's think about Apple: they don't (only) sell a Macbook, they sell the idea of "thinking different" buying their product.

And that, that is AWESOME: creating an identifiable concept for the client that "marries" both, client's and company's, motivations.

I totally agree with the ideas of Luis Bassat (a great advertiser) about advertising. The resume of those ideas are that ads create a competitive ambience between companies, improves the relationship between quality and price, promotes innovation, develops liberty of election, forms and informs the consumer and can revolutionize social habits.

That is the reason I would like to show you through these posts the best ads and tendencies in US. See you!

This is a Gillette ad in USA, to show the flexibility of the product. [Youtube]

Iñigo Taibo
Advertising and PR

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